Saturday, December 20, 2008

Grandmother Mara Louise Burt Beese's Memorial Altar

Grandmother Mara Louise Burt Beese's Memorial Altar

My maternal grandmother, Mara Louise (Burt) Beese passed away this fine morning at 11:25a CST. My little family built a memorial altar dedicated to her and I wanted to share it with you. She will be cremated and her memorial service will be sometime in January.

I will always remember her laughter and the tears that poured out of her beautiful green eyes as she laughed and laughed and laughed. She was a witty person. Extremely intelligent and very headstrong in her own way. She was a redhead to the core. Beautiful, gracious, inspiring and a cornerstone in her community.

She was 89 when she passed into the hands and heart of God.

She loved the Song of Solomon and Ecclesiastes Chapter 3. Here is the latter quoted for you and for her.

1 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

2 A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;

3 A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;

4 A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;

5 A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;

6 A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;

7 A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;

8 A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.

I love you, Grandmother. You have traveled your long road and now you go gently into the night. You created much beauty as you passed through. Take care of all of those special childhood memories of mine. I will miss you. Forever.

Love, Andrea.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Some of My Favorite Fantasy Authors

In no particular order:

Terry Pratchett (over 30 books, very funny, satirical, wonderful)
Jasper Fforde (Tuesday Next series, Nursery Crime series)
Neil Gaiman (you probably already read his work, Neverwhere & American Gods are favs)
Garth Nix (in particular, The Abhorsen series & Keys to the Kingdom series)
Charles DeLint (Into the Green, The Blue Girl, any of them really)
Kim Harrison (start at the beginning and give her a chance)
Tanya Huff (her occult series)
Holly Black (Tithe, Valiant, Ironside)
Kelley Armstrong (Women of the Other World series)
Lilith Saint Crow (anything she writes is good)
Melissa Marr (Wicked Lovely, Ink Exchange)
Tamora Pierce (anything she writes)
Laurell K Hamilton (anything she writes)
Jaqueline Carey (Kushiel's Trilogies)
Simon Green (Dark Side series)
Jim Butcher (Dresden Files)

People ask. So there it is. Searchable, even. ;)

Monday, December 15, 2008

Picture by RavenJack23

Latest news... because obviously I've been busy living instead of blogging. I'm getting that middle-aged "WTF??? I don't have time for that! I'm busy juggling my tween, aging parents, dying grandparents and the Holidaze! Go read something else. Hey, at least I'm on gMail now...And don't tell me it's so last minute."

(I do have an iPod, and I'm not afraid to use it...remotes are starting to baffle me tho'. ;)

Okay, so latest news... It's all about Moi, but of course! And it's all online stuff, so I guess I am living in the virtual world instead of out here in the material world. From Madonna to Bill Gates to Android. Booyah.

I've updated my YouTube channel. (Who the heck knew I even had one? Not me until a few days ago. Turns out you get one when you sign up. Huh. Whodathunkit?) It's at . For your viewing pleasure, I rearranged my amazing collection of Tribal bellydance videos (so far only 92 of them). You can view them below at the bottom of this page.

I just managed to update my Amazon Wish List. Apparently, I'm into tea, bellydance, strange music selections, and a little bit of knitting. And oddball reading. No DVDs cuz I download my movies on my DVR, capiche? Haven't upgraded my DVD player because the one I have is about 10 years old, it still works, and I really think Blue Ray isn't going to last that long. I agree with John that it's going to go the wayside and downloading will be the way to go. So green too, yeah? ;)

I've updated my hair and my eyeglasses. You can tell from my scowling countenance over there on the right. Ah, self-portraits with the SLR in the sunshine. It was about 70F that day. Last week. Poor you. (Hey, it's freakin' cold today. We're at 39F right now. Brrrr!) I now have my version of Fray's hair (Joss, I love ya, man. It's that simple. Oh, that I could have your baby. Wait. That would be bad. There'd be two of you. The world can only take so much genius.) The glasses are so cool people only see them coming and not me. (It's why my hair is purple, pink, green, blue, etc. LOL) You can see more of me (because I'm cool and have a Picasa account now) at .

I'm going to the FatChanceBellyDance General Skills Intensive in Carrollton TX in February 2009!!! I'm excited. (You can tell because I never use multiple bangs at the end of a sentence.) If you want to know what that's all about, check out FatChance's web site for the details. Our tribe has been bustin' our hips for the past 3 or 4 months coming up to speed on FCBD Vol 7. We're now drilling drilling drilling. We're picking every FCBD YouTube video apart and poor Devyani is also under the microscope ;). We're totally YouTube stalkers! (And now you begin to see the mad mandala that is my life...)

Due to a massive crash of both drives on my computer, I decided that Outlook can bite me and I've transferred everything over to gMail. And boy, was I missing out! My calendar is kickas*; I can access everything anywhere from my laptop at any time; and I can edit documents with John without sending it through eMail and having to have Word installed on my laptop (which I don't have because I'm mad at MicroSquish... see above about Outlook).

I am anxiously awaiting a phone from ATT that will support Android. Until then, it's my old pre-G3 Motorola flip-fone. Hey, I finally figured out the maxy moxy predictive texting option. I'm not supah-old yet ;). Besides, I doubt there are very many 40+ who can do the crazy things I can do with mah belly and arms and hips... [G]

I'm even more up to speed w/ the Google Reader. I was having the devil of a time keeping up with! Now if FCBD would just feed their tribe page, I'd be all set ;). I also figured out Picasa, which rocks. Man, does Google ever suck? Not that I can tell.

So far, my parenting hasn't slipped too far down the ladder. My daughter is a totally cool fun-to-be-with pre-teen. I guess I still don't know what I'm talking about because I really love being around her. She just got her palate spreader off and is waiting for her teeth to rest so she can go with the mouth bling everyone else is getting (braces... woo. hoo.).

All of this cyber stuff and I'm still totally plugged into my home tribe. I finally have let go of Yule/Xmas enough to enjoy it as an adult. The plunge in the economy didn't hurt that effort at all! Yay dismal stock market! };`>

We're off to Taos for a while and I'm sure there will be breathtaking photos. Hopefully, there will be more posting and less feeling guilty like I do with the spring break pics I have yet to work on from Big Bend. Wah. And I really need to get cracking on a bellydance show review for the ABA's OPA! I went to Mirage's big holiday blow out extravaganza and it was funfun!

So, Merry Holidays to you from me, Mara & John and our 5 cats. (Nope, no tree this year. I'm not that crazy.)

Blessings to you all!


P.S. Look for a new review of Zanbaka's latest installment, Vol 2: Shapes, Patterns & Layers sometime in January or February.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Book Review: "Foundations: Bellydance for the Versatile Dancer, Volume I"

"Foundations: Bellydance for the Versatile Dancer, Volume I"

by Zanbaka

Trade Paperback: 195 pages
Publisher: ZD Publications; 1st edition (2007)
Price: $45.00 + S&H

Originally intended as a handbook for her students, Zanbaka's first volume of "Bellydance for the Versatile Dancer" closes the gap between various styles of bellydance. Volume I: Foundations provides a thorough overview of technique and dance theory, with emphasis on developing the "Dancing Mind".

It creates a strong spring board, preparing students for a well-rounded journey throughout the world of bellydance. Includes over 170 black & white photos/illustrations, insights and tips for technique, and ten practice sessions.

Content addresses: ~ Injury Prevention ~ Safe Movement Practices ~ Concept Groups for Isolation Technique ~ Learning Styles ~ Imagery and Visualizations ~ Mapping out the Bellydance Body ~ Neutral Posture Alignment ~ Core Originated Isolations ~ Rhythms and Finger Cymbals

Andrea's Review:

Where to begin... This book boggles the mind, and in a very good way! Not intended for any particular style of bellydance, any instructor and/or student can benefit greatly from this wonderfully structured presentation.

Zanbaka starts out by introducing the concept of the book, and the series (which will have 7 volumes). She is a proponent of using all learning styles to convey information. The book is meant to be the mental, rational companion of a very physical activity. Zanbaka is a firm believer in first learning high quality technique and isolations before adding stylistic elements, which is why this book is a must for anyone wishing to have a bellydance workbook.

Zanbaka includes a 'how to use this book' section, a brief history and styles, an introduction to learning styles (she defines ten styles), naming conventions of moves and a way to accurately refer to each move. She maps out the bellydance body, showing the regions and individual muscles that come into play during bellydance. Next, she moves on to injury prevention and a unique perspective on stretching and warming up. Posture and balance are addressed, with a simple technique to assure your pelvis is in neutral position. Next, three standard bellydance rhythms are broken down and a basic counting lesson is given. A practice structure follows, showing the advantages of each practice section.

Zanbaka then explains how to verbally orient yourself in the physical world. This is extremely helpful and eliminates the need for phrases like: 'your right' or 'stage right'. Foot positions, basic levels and foot patterns are defined and discussed next. We move on to the two warm up phases. The first phase is a 'get your body going' kind of warm up and the second one includes light stretching and toning. Several basic turns are discussed next.

Zanbaka moves on to isolations, which includes positioning, degrees, contradictory movement, shimmy, shape making, percussive/smooth, undulation and layering concepts. After digesting these concepts, isolations are presented for each region of the body, which include: head, shoulder, hand, wrist, arm, ribcage, abdominal and hip isolations. Greater attention is then paid to shimmies by going into more detail and showing how shimmies can be powered differently.

Flamenco clapping (palmas) and finger cymbals are introduced, followed by a two-phase cool down. Deep stretching is introduced. A brief discussion of transitions closes the instructional part of the book. At the end of the book, there is a 10 Practice Sessions outline, a closing which includes developing presence, gaining constructive feedback and corrections, and raising the bar for bellydance. A bibliography and index are included at the end.

All of this is written in clear, concise and well-defined language. This book is the bridge that has been needed for bellydance students and instructors everywhere. I cannot recommend this book highly enough. It's only 195 pages long, and it has over 170 illustrations and photos, but it is so packed with information, you will refer to it again and again, whether you are a beginner, a seasoned performer, a student, or an instructor. Well worth the price. It goes on the shelf next to "The Tribal Bible".

This volume will be followed with: II. Shapes, Patterns & Layers, III. More Shapes, Patterns & Layers, IV. History, Styles, & Fusion w/ Fortitude (w/ guest writers), V. Floorwork, Veilwork, Props & Dangerous Diversions, VI.

Choreography & Free Form Improvisation, VII. Zanbaka's Repertoire for Tribal Group Improvisation.

To order the book or see full PDF excerpts visit:

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Pine Canyon Trail

Pine Canyon Trail
Originally uploaded by DragonFly24.
Deep into the 2 mile hike for Pine Canyon in Big Bend National Park, this is the view we had on the trail.

Very fey, yes?

What a hike it was! This was during our Big Bend or Bust! Spring Break 2008 trip. John, Mara and I went with my dad. This is the third year in a row. Looks like we have a tradition, folks! :)

For more Pine Canyon photos, click on the photo.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Pumpkin Pi R Round

You Are Pumpkin Pie

You're the perfect combo of uniqueness and quality.

You're able to relate to many types of people with many different tastes.

But you're by no means generic or ordinary. In fact, you're one of the most original people around.

Those who like you are looking for something (someone!) special.

You tend confuse people when they first meet you.

You're not as complicated as you seem.

Even though you have a lot of spice and flavor to you, you're never overpowering.

You are a calm and comforting force in people's lives.

In the words of Mrs. Feynman...

Why do you care what other people think?

So, our family's New Year's resolution is to care less about what others think about us and more about what we think of ourselves.

This year is all about the internal compass and finding True North.

Happy New Year, y'all. ;o)

Xena Rules

Which Female Heroine Are You?
created with
You scored as Xena, Warrior Princess

I am Xena, Warrior Princess. I have done some bad things in my life, but I am committed to helping other people. I like to laugh, though my sense of humor can be rather sarcastic. I have several close friends, including Gabrielle.



Xena, Warrior Princess


Elizabeth I




Joan of Arc
