Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Pumpkin Pi R Round

You Are Pumpkin Pie

You're the perfect combo of uniqueness and quality.

You're able to relate to many types of people with many different tastes.

But you're by no means generic or ordinary. In fact, you're one of the most original people around.

Those who like you are looking for something (someone!) special.

You tend confuse people when they first meet you.

You're not as complicated as you seem.

Even though you have a lot of spice and flavor to you, you're never overpowering.

You are a calm and comforting force in people's lives.


dragonflyfilly said...

saw you over at SpiderGirl's blog, and was intrigued by "DragonFly" also 24, as they are both meaningful to me...so came over to check you out.

what kind of pie am I? - hmmmm, maybe Rhubarb-Strawberry...Why? i think because i can be very sour at times, but also very sweet.

cheers for now,
(aka Dragonflyfilly @ Flamingo's Hideaway

DragonFly24 said...

Interesting! Who is SpiderGirl?

I have a dragonfly tat on my right ankle. I've always been fascinated with dragonflies...

My favorite pie is Rhubarb-Strawberry. Mmmm! Sweet-tart!