Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Big Bend Knitting, 2007

Big Bend Knitting, 2007
Originally uploaded by DragonFly24.
Of course I knit something while I was on vacation in Big Bend! I *always* knit on the road. 8 hours of sitting in the car does that to a person. BTW, if you get car sick, I *highly* recommend the Relief Band. It's expensive, but ever so worth it. Mara and I are hooked! No Dramamine for us!

The scorpion is my souvenir for the trip. She was there last time Dad and I went, but she was too expensive. So I got a lizard instead. This time, she was on sale, 30% off! So SNAG!

The knitting is the ball band washcloth pattern from "Mason Dixon Knitting" (and the pattern is written completely inside out, so I basically used the picture and my brilliant engineering mind to figure it out) and the hat is the Easy First Hat from Tracey Ullman's "Knit 2 Together" (and that pattern is great ;).

I didn't realize until I composed the photo that I chose the colors from the scorpion go with the knitting. I picked the yarn color before I bought the scorpion.

The hat came in handy on our last day (47F with high winds and rain... brrrr!) and the washcloth was very fun to knit once I figured out the pattern (and that was satisfying on it's own).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I haven't gotten Tracey Ullman's book yet. I heard her talk about it and I meant to get it right away. Thank you fo rthis reminder.

Great looking hat!