Thursday, March 22, 2007


andrea is here
andrea is there

andrea is well
andrea is spell

andrea is so cool
andrea is the best

andrea is wonderful
andrea is rich

andrea is very confused
andrea made me cry

andrea is for me
andrea is my friend

andrea is certified
andrea is distributed

andrea is an exclusive
andrea is no exception

andrea is a young woman
andrea is a beautiful name

andrea is a force to be reckoned with
andrea is always fighting for her love

andrea is an excellent teacher
andrea is proving an apt pupil

andrea is bright
andrea is changing into a bird

andrea is a very shy girl who lives in austin
andrea is big for her age

andrea is outgoing while not insincerely bubbly
andrea is a punter of loudonline

andrea is the youngest of three sisters
andrea is one of amore

andrea is done.
andrea is back haha!

andrea is at the beginning there are no possibilities to support it all
andrea is ready to serve breakfast.

generated in part by Googlism


peevish said...

i like that you are turning into a bird and are ready to serve breakfast. That's multi-tasking.

DragonFly24 said...

Let's just not even go where the eggs came from and what orifice they shot out of, k? [cue unholy cackle]

After that freaky Dr. Suessian endeavor, I'm ready for some damn coffee, hold the breakfast. Wait. That makes me uncomfortable.