Saturday, May 13, 2006

Detail of the Strap

Detail of the Strap
Originally uploaded by DragonFly24.
I actually had to go online to learn how to do the reverse chain stitch for embroidery. I'm pleased with how it turned out on the outside, but I still think improvements could be made on the inside. There's an untidy mess of yarn stitches. Even if I were actually *good* at embroidery, I think there would be an eyesore back there. And it's visible when you open the bag... Unsightly. And after all that perfect felting, too.

But the gods are please it isn't perfect... the embroidery saved me from smiting, at least! LOL


peevish said...

That bag is beautiful! Pretty much, that is my favorite color combination. Awkward, is how I'm speaking right now.

peevish said...

AwkwardLY. awkwardly. that still looks wrong.

DragonFly24 said...

You speak like Yoda, you do. ;)

I *love* that color combo too! Yum. I took it to dance class this evening and it was muchly coveted.

(Is that how you spell "coveted"? Shoot! That looks awkward... Nope. They're both right. Unless spell-check in Outlook is wrong. Bill Gates wrong? Say it couldn't be...)