Thursday, May 18, 2006

Feeling Peaceful & Energized

sappho's lament
Originally uploaded by fubuki.
I had an emotional break-through on the other side at bellydance this week. Last class, I broke down and couldn't focus. Didn't want to share my energy etc. Went back in for the slow moves and that helped.

This week, I was energized and ready to rock. I even managed to let my body figure out the 3/4 shimmy, which has been eluding me for about 10 years. ;) I'm dreaming about dancing and I'm releasing a lot of stuff in class. Last Saturday, I was able to "flirt" with a woman who was watching the class. The moves are really starting to stick in my body. I'm very excited about it.

When I got home from class, I was all jazzed and happy. When I think about my aunt, I find a calm, peaceful, contented feeling. I'm still sad she's gone, but I think she's moved on.

The memorial service is on the Sunday of Memorial Day weekend. May 28th. We're going to leave from here next Friday around noon and blaze up to Lawton again. Then John, Dad, Mom, Darren, and I will go up to Tulsa on Sunday in the a.m. The service is at 3p. I suspect the reception will last until 5p. Then there's a dinner at Caroline's house with drinking and carrying on, crying laughing shouting debating story telling until all hours. Dad will stay the night, but the rest of us will go back to Lawton around 7 or 8p, I suspect. Mara's hanging out with her great Grama and her great great aunt and 1st cousin twice removed (I had to ask John about how that works... Still don't get it). Hopefully the pool will be open at Grampa's house and we won't have to worry about them entertaining her or anything. [g]

We aren't taking Mara to the memorial/wake. I talked to Dad about the intensity level and he said "Let's just say there *will* be American Indian wailing." Well, okay then. Let me just get my ashes and rent-worthy clothes on so we can really tie one on. All I can do is ululate. I could probably work up a good scratch or two on my face if I really go into it. Perhaps I should go as Sandman's Death. I have the outfit for it... I could do the Eye of Horus on one of my eyes.
And I have a black veil somewhere around here.

Believe me. That will *all* fit in. My family knows how to mourn, by the Gods!

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