Sunday, April 23, 2006

Every Witch Way, as defined by Websters' First New Intergalactic Wickedary of the English Language; Conjured by Mary Daly; Illus by Sudie Rakunsin

image found at:

Witch Way, Every [every which way "in every a disorderly manner; IRREGULARLY" -- Webster's] : in every Weird direction: Erratically; in any Sparking/Spooking way that Dis-orders boreocracy. See: Labyrinth; Pixy-path (W-W2)

I loooove the Wickedary. Shall we look up Labyrinth and Pixy-path? Of course we shall.

Pixy Path [a path by which those who follow it are bewildered and lost" -- OED] 1: trail into the Background where Journeyers are Be-Wildered and forever lost to the patriarchy 2: pathway that leads between the left and right hemispheres of the brain; path that leads off the map and into the Third Hemisphere. See: Third Hemisphere (W-W2)

Labyrinth n[(derived fr. Gk labyrinthos...akin to Gk labrys double ax): "a structure full of intricate passageways...the internal ear" -- Webster's] 1: true pathway of the Metapatriarchal Journey of Exorcism and Ectasy, leading into and through the Background 2: an Elemental capacity for Hearing the way into the Otherworld

Third Hemisphere: zone Dis-covered and explored by Contrary-Wise Crones who Spin beyond the compass and off the map; uncharted Zone: Fairy Space

mmmm.... delicious.

Just the thing to read when one has finished spreading 3.5 cubic yards of organic compost all over one's domain. In other words: I'm tired. But be-laughing and happy about it! So, in yo' face Fake Green Yards at the McMansions Estates! The worms are so happy at my place. And welcome too. Spiders and insects, oh my! Me and my wycked wycked ways!

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