Started the day with a nice steaming pile of compost.
Seriously. You should have seen it! It was delivered today from The Natural Gardener. Bright and early. Okay. So it wasn't bright. But it was early!
And I just couldn't stay out of it. I was grumpy. So I got a shovel and a wheelbarrow and started to top dress my backyard. I only did 6 contractor-sized wheelbarrows-full. Only. (Remember, I dislocated my shoulder a mere week ago.) And I managed to do that in a little over an hour or so. While I was listening to Ken Wilbur's Spiral Dynamics CD's. (I am so f'in crunchy, it's pathetic.) I spread it around, back racked it in, and boy-ola! Pretty dirt. Nothing says love like compost. Well, to an organic yard with earthworms, anyway ;o). In another 2 days, with John's help, we will have 3.5 cubic yards of compost lovingly blanketing our sweet domain.
Personally, I hope the promise of it helping with the watering this summer pulls through. Apparently, rotting material is like gold the way they price it {grin}.
And to think, I could have balanced the checkbook. Hahaha! That can wait another day. The grass needs me...
Picture from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Composting
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