Saturday, April 15, 2006

It's Eostara!

It's Eostara!
Originally uploaded by DragonFly24.
Okay... So we're a bit late on the Spring Equinox thing. Oh well. BUT, the Eostara Bunny swings back by on Easter, so we're good. ;) We did the Martha thang on the eggs and they turned out pretty neat. We figured out on the last 4 eggs that you don't use a whole heck of a lot of oil and it really is important that the liquid is shallow.

Mara put a note up for the Easter bunny telling her that the eggs are in the icebox and she really thinks it's warm enough to have it outside this year. We're very excited! We'll post the hunt haul tomorrow (if we don't eat it first! ;)...

The Martha Marblized Egg Link

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