Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Flowers from Satan

I'm feeling a bit on the insane side of late. (apply more chocolate)

John is in a tizzy with his current state of development. Or rather, states of development. Mara is constantly adjusting to his fluxes. I'm running out of buffer. Bleck.

So on to the Flowers from Satan. LOL

I started to crochet because I wanted to. I knit. I think crochet can do things knitting can't do easily. So I bought the latest of the SnB books... "Happy Hooker". She *promised* she'd teach me to crochet. I laugh in her general direction.

She leaves stuff out. Like what the heck is a yarn over? Figured it out. Cuz I'm smart. Duh. But sheesh! If you are going to teach something, don't leave out "yarn over" in the freakin' index is all I'm sayin'.

So I started a flower scarf. It's cool. Except. They didn't say use the chain as a large loop, ya idgjet. So I crocheted painstakingly into each chain. Not fun. Not relaxing. Really painful.

Thus, the Flower from Satan.

I figured it out on the second flower. Silly me!

Then the joining. Oh what a lark! I had to have a double degreed engineer help me figure out the directions. And I *still* didn't get it the second time. Or the fourth. I think I have it now. And if I don't, don't tell me. It looks good to me and I bet I figure it out later.

I should take a picture of the Flower from Satan. I will later. When I don't have to go to three different stores to get stuff that will probably wind up in the landfill eventually due to our consumeristic crack-head culture.

1 comment:

peevish said...

I understand about the figuring it out part. (does that even make any sense?) Monkeyman has helped me figure out knitting things and he doesn't knit at all. The flowers are pretty!